5 Tips For Increasing Your Shop's Brand Awareness

Summer Edition
April 3, 2019 by
5 Tips For Increasing Your Shop's Brand Awareness
Laser Cut Quilts, Lindsay Hales


With summer right around the corner, we know how crazy all the events can be for you and your shop! So let's cash in on those! Increased brand awareness equates to more sales...so here are five of our favorite tips to help boost your shop's brand awareness!

1. Slap Your Brand on More Than Just Products
In the marketing realm, professionals have coined the term "Rule of 7", which states that on average, it takes a person at least 7 times before they take action to purchase your product(s) or services. Creating travel guides for Row by Row or Shop Hop with your shop's branding and coupons for later is a great way to create awareness. Every time they pull their travel guide out and see your logo, chances are they'll think of you. By including coupons for later, it'll increase the chances they come back to cash in on their deals, bringing in extra sales, even after RxR, or whatever exciting summer event you have up your sleeve!  Even though this may cause you to incur a few costs for printing/design, think about the long-term value of lots of return customers!

2. Tags/ Extra Instructions
Consider including tags and extra instructions with your branding in kits you sell. The extra instructions prevents people from discarding without a second thought. If you give a customer branded instructions, chances are when they pull the kit out to start quilting, they'll think of you. When they see your branding, they'll get hungry for more fabric, so chances are they'll be back at your shop for more quilty goodness (or if they're traveling, looking you up online!)

3. Send Out Weekly Emails
Weekly emails are key to increasing brand awareness, especially with new events popping up every week or month. A quarterly email will not cut it. By simply sending weekly informational emails with event happenings or promotional material, you are providing a consistent image of your brand. What an easy and fast way to reach thousands of people at little to no cost!

4. Promotional Products
Promotional products like acrylic templates to with your shop's branding is something to consider, as it's a brand awareness builder that you can actually sell. Customers will look at it every time they pull it out for a quilting project and think of you! If you're not sure of how to create promotional products like these, our custom services team would love to help! Even if you only have a vague concept or would like to develop one, get in touch with them to get the ball rolling. Or if you'd like to learn a little more about our process first, visit our website's informational page on custom acrylic templates by clicking the in-text link.

5. Collaborate with Influencers
Reach out to influencers (read quilt pattern and fabric designers) on Instagram with quality pictures of shop samples or yardage that display their designs and ask if they wouldn't mind sharing. There's a good chance they'd love to share and tag your shop's Instagram handle...plus it gives you much more exposure to connect you with customers that are ready to buy!

With these 5 tips, we're sure you'll be increasing your brand awareness in no time! For more marketing tips and tricks, be sure to check out our blog! - Laser Cut Quilts Team
5 Tips For Increasing Your Shop's Brand Awareness
Laser Cut Quilts, Lindsay Hales April 3, 2019
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