Thursday Meeting 10/31
● Things to talk to Madi about
- Invoice report
- How much EE Schenck stuff we have left
- Problems we ran into and what we are going to do to fix that week
- piecework rates too high?
- FQs and 10s particularly, maybe others
- show numbers, margins, rates, etc.
- recuts
- checking for second page in prepping stage
- Andrew is changing the max number of lines before spilling to 100
- marking WOs as done prematurely
- Andrew is adding an "are you sure" message
- FQ cutting taking too long
- stacking multiple MOs if possible to reduce cutting time
- dirty fabric on SQ-MASKSS-COMP recut
- Andrew emailed Alex and they're sending a bolt
- consistently have empty days between EES shipments and production
- save laser projects for then
- reduce part time hours?
LeAnne: Review who will be gone next week and adjust schedule as needed
● Raydn gone part of Monday morning
● Review Piecework Report (group by product). Address staff members as needed.
● Quality control/speed issues:
● Other issues:
● Check FBA Inventory
- 100 - 10s, 100 - 25s either today or Monday
● Overview projects and goals: Check invoicing, and margins on products
● Laser projects this week/supplies needed:
Andrew: Precuts/kits this week/supplies needed:
- recuts - .5 layup, .5 gerber, 1 gerber assistant, 1 shrinking
- FQ-MASWOF-SORB - 2 layups, 1.5 shrinking
- SQ-MASWOF-SORB - 1 layup, 2 gerber, 1 shrinking
- CP-MASWOF-SORB - .5 layup, .5 gerber, 1 shrinking
- FQ-MASWOF-WINT - 2 layups, 1.5 shrinking
- SQ-MASWOF-WINT - 1 layup, rest next week